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Valkyrie Motorcycle Crate: Here you can see how we crated a new Valkyrie motorcycle back in 2004. This bike was shipped to the Czech republic, and customer was very happy, indeed, when he received it, clean and intact! :)

Please call our export department to find more about crating your shipment. Thanks.

Sturdy base for crate
Sturdy base for crate.
Bike blocked Bike tied down on crate base
Bike blocked and tied down on crate base.
Blocking and tie-downs front Blocking and tie-downs back
Detail of blocking and tie-downs, front and back.
crate braces
Detail showing crate braces, to add to crate's structural strength.
Bike inside the crate Bike just before the lid was fastened in place
A view of the bike inside the crate, just before the lid was fastened in place. Not shown are the metal straps that wrap around the crate in two places, for added safety.

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