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Professional Export Wrapping & Packing of Household Goods (HHG) & Personal Effects (PE):Below are some examples of the level of expertisewith which our professional packing crews do packing and wrapping for export, on behalf of movers and freight forwarders,as well as our own direct customers.   Private parties wishing to minimize their shipping costs, canchoose to do their own packing and wrapping.

Heirlooms Destined for Restoration in Europe
Bubble Wrap Foam Wrap
Bubble Wrap Foam Wrap & Kraft Wrap
Layer of Cardboard Shrink Wrap
Layer of Cardboard Finished with Shrink Wrap

Bureau (Dresser)
Bureau Bureau bubble wrapped
Bubble Wrap
Cardboard Layer Shrink Wrap
Cardboard Layer Shrink Wrap

Fine Craft Ornamental Pieces
Ornamental pieces layered Wrapped in Plastic Foam
Layered and Wrapped in Plastic Foam
Taped Package Cardboard and Shrink Wrap
Taped Package Cardboard and Shrink Wrap

Framed Art Pieces & Posters
Framed Art Wrapped in Plastic Foam One Layer of Bubble Wrap
Wrapped in Plastic Foam One Layer of Bubble Wrap
One Layer of Cardboard Finished with Shrink Wrap
One Layer of Cardboard Finished with Shrink Wrap

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