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20' to Fremantle, Australia: This container was used for a one bedroom apartment in a high rise building.   The loading of this container took from 10:00AM until 12:30AM, a total of 14.5 hours.   The reason for this was because the customer requested that we wrap and pack every single item he had, including all the dishes and glassware, which we individually wrapped and packed into the proper boxes, which then had to be individually shrink wrapped.   In addition, everything had to be brought down from a 14th floor apartment, to be staged in the building's parking lot, from where we had to further carry everything to the container parked out on the street, a good distance away from the freight elevator.   This was a very busy movie producer who had no time to do any of his own pre-packing.   However, most customers can greatly reduce and minimize their shipping costs by doing as much of their own packing and wrapping as they can.

Most of the time, we can give the customers a good idea of how long it is going to take to do the loading of their containers.   However, since so much depends on what the customer has us do at the time of packing and loading his container, and because the configuring of the loads vary so much, depending on the nature of the cargo that the customer is shipping, we can not guarantee how long a particular household will take to pack, wrap and load.   But a sure way to minimize the costs of the shipment is for the customers themselves to do as much of their own packing and wrapping as they can, for which purpose we are glad to deliver all the packing materials to the customers' homes, and then bill them only for the materials used.   This way, the customers can, after discussing their wrapping and packing needs with us, choose to do as much or as little packing and wrapping as they deem necessary.

All items individually wrapped and packed
Wrapped and packed side view Boxed items
Car loaded into container Car loaded into container 2

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