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Assorted Samples of Car Shipments, Recent and Old: Here you can see the wide variety of cars that Export Shipping Co. ships for its customers, and how they are handled.   Enjoy! :)

Please click on the Sample Shipments menu button on the left for more. Thanks.

Cadillac Fleetwood Cadillac Fleetwood Loaded
1959 Cadillac Fleetwood, shipped to England.
Mercedes Benz 220SL Mercedes Benz 220SL Loaded
1951 Mercedes Benz 220SL, shipped to Russia.
Chevy Belair Chevy Belair Loaded
1960 Chevy Belair, shipped to Switzerland.
Chevy Corvair Chevy Corvair loaded in container
1964 Chevy Corvair, Shipped to France.
Rolls Royce on flatbed Rolls Royce loaded in container
1953 Rolls Royce, shipped to Germany.
1966 Bizzarrini, brought into USA from Italy.
One of only 9 in existence.
Dragster before loading Dragster loaded in container
Dragster Shipped to Australia.

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